Effective 2/15/2022
Members: Each group is given 4 hours and 30 minutes to complete the golf round during a Club tournament. After completing your round, go directly to the tournament director or scoring area. If you do not finish in 4 hours, 30 minutes OR do not turn in your score card within 15 minutes of the group in front of you, you will be assessed a penalty.
- The Club will maintain a 12-month rolling “Slow Player List”
- 1st offense: 1 STROKE added to each person’s score and a 25% reduction of Callippe Cup Points earned during that tournament.
- 2nd offense: If it is determined that a slow play penalty will be assessed to a group and any of the players in that group have been assessed a penalty for slow play within the past 12-month period, that player (or players) will be given a 3 STROKE penalty and a 50% reduction of Callippe Cup Points earned during that tournament.
- 3rd offense: If it is determined that a slow play penalty will be assessed to a group and any of the players in that group have been assessed a penalty for slow play TWICE within the past 12-month period, that player (or players) will be assessed a 5 STROKE penalty, a 75% reduction of Callippe Cup Points earned during that tournament and be subject to suspension from tournament play for three months.
There will be a Callippe Club Board Member or designated representative that will be in the scoring area collecting scorecards noting times. Again, please verify and turn in your scorecards right after you finish playing.
Should slow play occur during a tournament, a tournament committee consisting of at least 3 board members will review and implement any penalties should it be necessary.
The timer on the carts does not apply for Callippe Events, total time of 4 hours 30 minutes or 15 minutes behind the group ahead of your group are the only timing elements that apply.
We are all in this together and it’s up to all of us to encourage are playing partners to play ready golf for the benefit of the club.