Callippe Golf Club Local Index Policy for 2014 Season
It is the goal of the Handicap Committee that all handicaps accurately reflect the playing abilities of our members. To meet this goal, we need the help of all members. If there are any questions about handicaps, posting, etc., please contact the Handicap Director through the website.
A number of changes have been adopted for this season so please read through the full policy below.
All active members will have a local index. Each member’s local index will be determined using scores from club tournaments. The scores eligible for consideration will include all “Home” and “Away” club tournaments where the scores (Stroke play, Match play, etc.) are posted in the USGA system. A formula based on the USGA handicap formula will be used, with the main difference being we will retain the most recent 10 ESC scores, while the USGA retains the most recent 20 scores. In line with the USGA formula, the Local index will use the Slope and Rating of the tee played to calculate a differential for every score.
The selection of scores used for the local index is as follows:
Member with 10 scores recorded – Select the lowest 5 for local index calculation.
Member with 8 or 9 scores recorded – Select the lowest 4 for local index calculation.
Member with 6 or 7 scores recorded – Select the lowest 3 for local index calculation.
Member with 4 or 5 scores recorded – Select the lowest 2 for local index calculation.
Member with 1, 2, or 3 scores recorded – Select the lowest 1 for local index calculation.
For all club tournaments, member handicaps will be determined by examining both their USGA and Local Index along with the number of club tournament rounds played. This policy results in 1 of 3 possible index scenarios for a member to use when competing in club tournaments.
1. If a members Local index is LOWER than his/her USGA index the Local index will be used.
2. [Changed for the 2014 tournament season]. If a members Local index is HIGHER than his/her USGA index AND he/she has 10 recorded club tournament scores within the previous 12 months, 50% of the difference between USGA and Local Indexes will be added to the USGA index to produce a tournament index to be used.
3. Otherwise, USGA index will be used.
Please see the FAQ below for examples of this policy.
Following each tournament, all scores will be posted to both USGA and Local systems. There may be implications for Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) in relation to a member’s local index.
Please Note: The Handicap Committee will monitor the effect of the changes to the policy for this season and reserves the right to adjust the policy. Furthermore the Handicap Committee also reserves the right to adjust a member’s handicap index, above and beyond the Local Handicap Index Policy outlined above. Any adjustments whether to the policy or member handicap index will occur only if deemed necessary to preserve the integrity and fairness of club tournaments.
Q. What are we trying to achieve by doing this?
A. We are looking to even the playing field in our club tournaments, thus having more variety of winners. It is also not unusual for members to take golfing vacations which can result in a large increase in their USGA index as a result of playing un-familiar golf courses. We are attempting to insure members participating in club tournaments are doing so with handicaps that accurately reflects the abilities they have demonstrated in our club tournaments.
Q. If I have a handicap of 10 based on my USGA index and a handicap of 9 based upon my Local index which handicap will I play to in club tournaments?
A. The lower of the two, which in this case is 9.
Q. If I have a handicap of 1 based on my USGA index and a handicap of +2 based upon my Local index which handicap will I play to in club tournaments?
A. The lower (better) of the two, which in this case is +2.
Q. If I have a handicap of 10 based on my USGA index and a handicap of 12 based upon my Local index which handicap will I play to in club tournaments?
A. If you have recorded 10 tournament scores within the previous 12 months you will play to a handicap of 11. If you have not recorded 10 tournament scores within the previous 12 months you will play to a handicap of 10.
Q. If I have a handicap of 10 based on my USGA index and a handicap of 9 based upon my Local index what are the max strokes I will be allowed to take for a hole per ESC?
A. When posting to the USGA system you will be allowed the max strokes permitted by ESC based on your USGA handicap, which in this case is 7. However for recording a score in our Local System, you are only allowed a max of double-bogey as per ESC for a 9 handicap.
Q. In match play holes and putts are frequently conceded, thus scores from these events are usually lower than normal and as such are unfair for use in handicapping. How will this policy handle match play tournaments?
A. The USGA does not differentiate between types of events when selecting scores for posting in their system and neither will we. It is strongly recommended you record the score you most likely would have made for a hole that is conceded by your opponent. If however, a putt is conceded that would result in the hole being tied or won by a single stroke, then that is the score to be recorded for the hole. In match play events both participants are responsible for the scores recorded.
Q. In match play once the winner is determined the club records PAR plus any handicap allowance for the holes not played and as such is unfair for use in handicapping. Will this new policy use scores from non-played holes in match play?
A. The USGA has recommended the use of PAR plus handicap allowance when holes are not completed during a round. Our match play policy is in line with this. Furthermore, the scores we post for un-played holes are based on the actual difficulty rating for the hole and not scorecard handicap rating. For Callippe Golf Course this benefits the membership in this format.
Q. Will 12-Man team scores count towards a Local Index?
A. No.
Q. Will ESC scores or Gross scores be used in calculating a Local Index?
A. ESC scores will be used.
Q. Will Local Indexes be posted on the web page?
A. Yes. The local index for all members who participate in tournaments where scores are posted will be published on the website.
Q. Will the website clearly identify those members whose local index is lower than their USGA index?
A. No. It is not our intention to place any stigma on any member who is playing to a local index in tournaments. The list on the website will be sorted alphabetically by member name and will only display each member’s local index and number of scores recorded. The list will not differentiate between those whose local index is higher or lower than their USGA index.
Q. Will the members get a letter (like they do with our current policy) if they will play with a reduced tournament handicap?
A. No. Local Indexes for all active members will be posted on the Website which will be updated following each tournament (where scores are recorded).
Q. If we have 20 scores, why are we only using 10 scores?
A. Based upon the number of tournaments the club holds each year where scores are posted 10 was deemed to be a better number. This is also in line with what a number of other local clubs (including Callippe Seniors) do.
Q. Will I know what my Local Index is prior to signing up for a tournament?
A. This will all depend on the timing and interval between tournaments. For the most part the answer is yes but there are a few months in which we play 2 tournaments and there is a possibility of the signup for the 2nd being required ahead of playing the 1st.
Q. What will determine if we keep the Local Index after October 2014?
A. Each month the Board of Directors will monitor the effects of the policy on our tournaments to determine how it is working. We also expect there will be feedback from members both good and bad which will be evaluated and discussed at board level.
Q. Will the scores be made available to the membership to check if the calculations were done correctly?
A. All recorded scores up to a maximum of the 10 most recent will be included on the website.
Q. If I only play in 1 tournament, my Local Index can be drastically different than my USGA index. Why is this fair?
A. If a member only plays in a single tournament which results in a local index drastically lower than their USGA index this would indicate the member did well in that tournament. Basically those who do not participate frequently will now get only one opportunity to perform well in a club tournament. It is unfair to our members who participate frequently if those who participate infrequently consistently do well. This policy will also act to encourage those members to participate in more club tournaments. The more tournaments a member participates in the more reflective of their abilities in tournament play their local index will be. Play in more tournaments and your USGA index and Local Index should become closer.
Q. Will scores expire after a period of time?
A. Scores will only expire based on a member’s most recent recorded score. Also changed for 2014 there will be 2 scenarios when scores will expire. This update has been applied to reduce the impact of a handicap reduction on those members who do not participate very often. These scenarios are based on the number of tournaments the member participates in.
1. For a member with fewer than 10 recorded tournament scores, if the most recent score exceeds 4 months in age all of the scores retained for that member will be removed.
2. For a member with 10 recorded tournament scores, if the most recent score exceeds 6 months in age all of the scores retained for that member will be removed.
When they participate in a subsequent event the formula will treat it as their 1st event.